General School Rules
1. School starts at 8.50am. All pupils are expected to be in by then to avoid disruption.
2. Children are to be left in school each day until their correct finishing time.It is not good practice to take any child out of school early on any day except in an emergency.
3. Entry to the school for all visitors is up the steps at the front. Visitors are requested to use the buzzer located on the right to gain entry.
4. In the interest of security, all visitors must check in at the secretary’s office once they enter the premises.
5. Children are never allowed the open the main entry door for any visitor, so please do not ask them to do so for you, even if you know them.
6. Children arriving to and leaving the school do so by their own class exit door. Parents are asked to co-operate with this arrangement at all times.
7. It is a strict rule that children walk into and out of school at all times and on the corridors and to do so very quietly so as not to disrupt the other classes.
8. Politeness, good manners and respect are expected at all times and towards all persons.
9. A note from parents is required when a pupil:
-Has been absent.
-wishes to leave school during school hours (generally not to be encouraged).
10. If another person is collecting the child, the parents must inform the school by telephone.
11. No child may leave the play area during the breaks without permission from the teacher in charge.
12. Treat all school furniture and property with respect.
13. Label each child’s own belongings.
14. Chewing gum is banned.
Our Daily Schedule
8.50am School begins
10.30am-10.45am Morning Break- Sos
12.35-1pm Main Lunch Break
1.30pm Junior Infants and Senior Infants Finish
2.30 End of School Day
Children are expected to be in class for all of these times each day Monday to Friday. Taking children out of class before the official finishing time each day is not allowed.
Please support the school and help your child by making sure that he/she is in school every day every week for the full day all year round. This is very important and your interest and support in this crucial area of school attendance is vital.
We are required to notify the National Educational Welfare Board if a child is absent for more than 20 days.
Appointments to speak to the Principal or a class teacher can be made through the school secretary at 071-9171364.