Green School
We were awarded our seventh Green School flag in June 2017. We received the flag for our work on the theme of Global Citizenship: Energy. This was a two-year programme.
Our current Green School Theme is Global Citizenship and the Marine Environment. Our school is learning how important it is to keep our seas and oceans healthy and how we all play a role in reducing the amount of litter and waste that might reach the sea.
We have a Green School slogan for our theme to remind us that everyone in the world is connected and we need to help each other keep our seas and oceans healthy. Our slogan is:
“We are all in this together. Do not litter, let the oceans glitter!”
Green-School Committee
A new Green-School committee is elected every school year in our school. It is their job to help with all aspects of the Green-School Programme. They wear special badges so we know who they are!
Litter and Waste
We make a big effort to keep our school and our school grounds looking nice. We have a Litter-Picking rota in rotation in the senior classes at lunch times.
We have a recycling centre in the school. Waste materials are recycled by the Green-School committee members. These materials include paper, cardboard, cartons, plastic bottles, toilet roll inserts and batteries.
Our Lady of Mercy Primary School is dedicated to implementing energy efficient policies, recognising that this is essential to provide a leading example to our pupils and the wider community. We hope to focus on savings which can be achieved by good house-keeping i.e. no-cost measures and some low cost measures.
Our school is committed to the responsible management of energy and water. By efficient management of these resources, the school community aims to minimise expenditure and environmental impact, while maintaining health and safety standards and an acceptable comfort level for the pupils, staff and other building users.
In our school, we make special efforts to conserve energy. Each classroom has our Energy Charter displayed beside their room door. The Green-School committee members remind us all to turn off lights and computers when they are not required, and to close doors etc.
School Garden / Outdoor Classroom
We have a small garden at the front of the school with some vegetable and fruit patches. There is also an insect hotel if you look carefully! A gardening committee operate the garden in the summer term. They update us on their work on the Garden Noticeboard. Beside the garden is our outdoor classroom.
Mercy Polytunnel
Installed in February 2017, the Mercy polytunnel, situated beside the outdoor classroom, has brought learning alive in our school. The children from the various classes, and the gardening club, have grown vegetables such as tomatoes, broccoli, onions, garlic, peas, french beans, strawberries and even grapes from our very own grapevine!
The children, and even the teachers, find the polytunnel a peaceful haven. We can see first-hand that gardening has improved the students’ well-being in terms of self-esteem and personal achievement. As we engage in producing our own food, the children learn about sustainability and good healthy eating habits.
We have been awarded many times by Tidy Towns and AgriAware, recognising our efforts in increasing the children’s awareness of their role within society and the local community.
Sensory Garden
Our sensory garden, dedicated to the memory of our esteemed colleague, Sr. Mary Carty was opened in November 2022 by Mary’s mother, Mrs Carty and her sister Anne. All of our students have access to the sensory garden and it is a wonderful space that brings joy to students and passersby alike keeping Mary’s memory alive in a meaningful way. It is a truly special place filled with beautiful plants and flowers. We are so proud of it.