Our Lady of Mercy Primary School opened in 1993 with the amalgamation of three schools-Scoil Chaitriona (1964), Scoil Fatima (1883) and Scoil Phadraig (1888). Our school is very well equipped and has modern intercommunication and alarm systems.
Sister Annette Duignan was Principal from 1993-1998. Mrs Rosemary Sheahan was Acting Principal from 1998-1999. In September 1999, Mr Terry Allen was appointed the first Lay Principal of Our Lady of Mercy Primary School. Mrs Mary Finan was Principal from September 2005 until September 2010. Mrs Marguerite Stenson was Principal from 2010 until 2022.
Ms Olivia Flannery (Current Principal) was appointed as Principal in 2022.
Past pupils of note include- Mark Scanlon, Junior World Cycling Champion and Shane Filan of Westlife.
In January 2025, 443 pupils were enrolled with a staff of 38 teachers, 12.5 special needs assistants (SNAs), 1 secretary, 1 caretaker, 3 cleaning staff and 3 Carambola lunch ladies.
Our Autism Special Classes opened in September 2004, 2005 and 2024 respectively and caters for 18 pupils.
We use evidence-based programmes and approaches, many of which are internationally acclaimed and robustly evaluated – including;
- The Incredible Years (https://incredibleyears.com/)
- Restorative Practices (https://www.pdst.ie/post-primary/health-wellbeing/restorative-practice)
- Reading Recovery (https://pdst.ie/primary/literacy/reading-recovery)
- Maths Recovery (https://www.mata.ie/)
- Nurture Groups
- Learning with languages